Last performances

  • 24th November, Concert with the programme "CXV. La cantiga más larga" in San Pedro de Bembibre, Taboada, Lugo, together with the harpist Manuel Vilas. (1st edition of the Medieval Music cycle: “Lugo: de trovas e cantigas”).

  • 19th October 2024. Public exhibition with the work of the artistic residency in Hort-Art, Faura (Valencia) with Proyecto EVOCA and two collaborators: the dancer and musician Marc Vilajuana and the musician and artist Carolina Égüez (17th-19th October).

Photos: Hort-Art, Belinda Alfonso

  • 4th October 2024, Villajoyosa (Alicante) Factum est silentium, with Manuel Vilas and Efrén López at the 10th edition of the Festival de Música Antigua “La Vila del Joy”

Photos: Josu Gastón

Photos: Ronald Patrick

Photos: Joaquín de Haro - Festival Medieval de Elche

  • 6th October 2023, “CXV. The longest Cantiga”, together with Manuel Vilas (medieval harp) at the University of Santiago de Compostela.

  • 30th September 2023, a concert at Rumbach with Proyecto EVOCA at the German festival Vía Mediaeval, with the programme “Filiae tonitrui-a XIIth c. musical portrait of Iacobus-Santiago”.

Photo: Andreas Winnwa

Photo: Piedad Solans

  • 22nd March 2023, 18h30. Factum est silentium. Imagen y sonido del Apocalipsis en la Edad Media, a programme of music of the Apocalypsis book dedicated to the Spanish luthier Jesús Reolid, played together with Manuel Vilas and Efrén López at the Biblioteca Nacional de España.

Photo: Nubia Montes

  • 17th November 2022, with Ensemble Cantaderas at the Colegio de España, Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris.

Photo: Nubia Montes

  • 25th September 2022, with the Ensemble Cantaderas at the Festival Les vibrations de Bonmont (Switzerland) with the program Catharsis.

Catharsis, at the abbey of Bonmont (Switzerland)

  • 10th September 2022, Basel, in duo with Manuel Vilas (medieval harp): Chantador de joi d’amor, at the new festival TEXTUR.

Photos: Dirk Letsch

(…) Mit den Liedern des Troubadours Bernart de Ventadorn entfesselte die spanische Sängerin Paloma Gutiérrez del Arroyo zusammen mit dem Spezialisten für frühe Harfen, Manuel Vilas, ein Feuerwerk aus «joi» und «amor», Lebensfreude und Liebe. Die zarten und intensiven Liebes- und Leidenslieder gingen unter die Haut. Das ganze Spektrum der Gefühle deckte die helle und fein ziselierte Stimme von Paloma Gutiérrez del Arroyo virtuos ab, wobei auch Witz und Schalk nicht zu kurz kamen. Erstaunlich die Virtuosität, mit welcher Manuel Vilas mit seiner aus Bildern mittelalterlicher Codices rekonstruierten Harfe die Sängerin begleitete. Seine perlenden Saitenklänge umschmeichelten die Gesangsstimme perfekt und tänzelten gekonnt im Auf und Ab der Gefühle mit. (…)” Philipp Tschopp (an article about the festival TEXTUR at the Binninger Anzeiger

Photos: Elena Beltrán

Photos: Elena Beltrán

foto concierto Valldigna_CIMM_3.jpg

Photos: CIMM Valldigna

  • 19th September 2020: Presentation in Basel (Switzerland) of Cantaderas ensemble’ first CD: “As festas do anno”.

  • 7th March 2o2o. A concert of the duo Manuel Vilas (harp)-Paloma Gutiérrez del Arroyo (voice) with the program: Bernart de Ventadorn, Chantador de mal d’amor. At the “Iglesia de las Mercedarias de Góngora” (Madrid), concert cycle “El canto de Polifemo".

Photo: Juan Mantilla

Photo: Juan Mantilla

Photos: Benoit Croisy

  • 8th September 2019: concert with the ensemble Cantaderas at the Jakobikirche in Osno Lubuskie (Poland) with the program “As festas do Anno”.

Photos: Benoit Croisy

Photos: Benoit Croisy

Cantaderas -®Benoit Croisy-4.jpg

Photos: Juan Mantilla


Photo: Juan Mantilla


  • 29th April 2018: "Mya Senhor Velida", a concert with the ensemble Malandança within the 3rd edition of the Early music festival "ALMantiga", at the Auditorio de la Diputación of Alicante .

  • 11th September 2017: "Chantador de mal d'amor", in duo with the harpist Manuel Vilas, at the Museo Diocesano in Santillana del Mar (Cantabria).

Santillana del Mar, 2017. Photo: P. Campuzano

Santillana del Mar, 2017. Photo: P. Campuzano

Voix et route romaine festival, Cantaderas 2017



Photos: Juan Jesus Pan Aguilera

Photos: Juan Jesus Pan Aguilera

Cantaderas in Ronda.

Cantaderas in Ronda.

  • 17th June 2017: Cantaderas ensemble in Urueña (Valladolid), concert and oral presentation at the symposium: "La mujer y el folklore" organised by the Fundación Joaquín Díaz.

  • 30th May 2017: "Veni dilecta mea", a concert with Oiet ensemble at the Saison Valéran de Héman, Meaux, Seine et Marne, France.

  • 29th May 2017: "Lettres d'amour du Moyen Âge" at the Museum of Cluny (Musée de Moyen Âge, Paris) with the actors: Carole Visconti and Xavier Clion, the translator and editor of the book with identical title: Sylvie Lefèvre, and the director of Lettres Gothiques(Le Livre de Poche): Michel Zink.

  • 25th May 2017: "Virgo sidus aureum. Música a la Virgen y a la dama, amor espiritual-amor humano", in duo with the harpist Manuel Vilas. Festival de las Tres Culturas and Festival de Músicas Históricas, Murcia (Spain).


  • 24th May 2017: "Chantador del mal d'amor" at the Festival de Música Antigua de Granada, in duo with the harpist Manuel Vilas.


  • 19th April 2017: Participation at the concert "J. S. Bach: Looking towards the East and West" at the church of Akia Kyriai Chrysopolitissa in Paphos (Cyprus), during the festival "PAFOS 2017/MUSIC AT THE THRESHOLD".

  • 4th-5th Mars 2017: "Lux et umbra. Hildegard von Bingen", a concert in duo with Catherine Schroeder at the Parisian theater La Vieille Grille.

  • 13th November 2016: "Farai un vers (Haré un verso). Música contemporánea a la construcción de la colegiata de Toro (s. XII-XIII)", a concert of the duo Puy de sons d'autrefois at AR&PA 2016, Valladolid (Spain).

Photo: Seventhe Audiovisuales

  • 22nd October 2016: Les Cantigas du Puy-en-Velay, at the beautiful chapel of Saint-Michel d'Aighille, with the Compagnie Orion ensemble, directed by Marie-Virginie Cambriels.

Photo: Pascal Hoyer

  • 21st October 2016: Les Cantigas du Puy-en-Velay, at Notre-Dame du Port, Clermont-Ferrand, with the Compagnie Orion, directed by Marie-Virginie Cambriels.

  • 3rd September 2016: Cantaderas ensemble at the Uckermärkische Musikwochen 2016 festival (Ruhlandhalle Kokurina, Naugarten, Germany).

  • 28th August 2016: Cantaderas ensemble at the Merian Stiftung Sontags Matinees of Basel (Switzerland) with the program: Devota fecunditas.

  • 6th August 2016: Cantaderas ensemble at Ipiés (Huesca, Spain) with the program: Devota fecunditas (medieval and Spanish traditional repertoires for voices and percussions).

Photos: Marc Van de Walle

Photos: Marc Van de Walle

Photo: Stéphanie Hammarstrand

  • 6th June 2016. Amours et désirs au Moyen Âge. A show of the duo Carole Visconti-Paloma Gutiérrez del Arroyo, at the parisian museum of Cluny.

Photo: Terence Waterhouse

Photo: Pierre Sternberg, Asnières-sur-Vègre. l'ENTRACTE 2016

Photo: Pierre Sternberg, Asnières-sur-Vègre. l'ENTRACTE 2016

  • 13th April 2016, with the consort of violes "Memoria de los Sentidos", directed by Carlos Martínez Gil, at Santa María la Blanca of Toledo. A program for the inauguration of the new lightening of the former synagogue

  • 13th March 2016. Oiet ensemble (trio): "Au renouveler du jolis temps" at "Les maisonnettes", the house of Nadia and Lili Boulanger, Gargenville (Île de France). World premier of the composition "Ô toi que mon coeur aime" by Jean Marie Gagez ((c) 2016), composed for Oiet's feminine vocal trio.

  • 5th December 2015. St Savin Abbay. "L'amour au Moyen Âge : d'Abélard à Yseult" in duo with the comedienne Carole Visconti.

Photos: EPCC Saint-Savin

sur Gartempe et Vallée des

Fresques' Abbey


Photo: Patrick Borgia

Photo: Patrick Borgia

  • 27th September. Concert and recording (27th-30th September) at Conques Abbey (France) with the ensemble "La compagnie Orion".

Photo: Vincent Magrini

Photo: Pascal Hoyer

Photo: Vincent Magrini

Photo: Olivier Feraud

  • 26th June 2015. « Au temps des cathédrales, musique pour saint Louis », a concert with "Le Jardin des délices" ensemble. Ste-Marthe's church, Tarascon (France).

  • 8th March 2015. Montbard (Borgondy). "Hildegard von Bingen. Lux et umbra". Concert in duo with the singer Catherine Schroeder.

Photo: Keren Molinier

  • 20th January 2014, "La légende de Mélusine", a performance in duo with Raphaële Soumagnas (Oiet ensemble) at the school Françoise Dolto (Lamorlaye, Picardie).

Photos: Pierre Combet





  • 3rd June 2014. 20h30, Temple de Meaux; 15th June 2014. 17h, Musée de provins et du Provinois, program: « PARIS GOTHIQUE. Monodies et Polyphonies du XIIIème siècle ». Ensemble Contrafacta, directed by Brigitte Lesne and Raphaël Picazos.

  • 30th May 2014. « Le clunisois entre ombre et lumière ; soirée littéraire et musicale ». Cluny (Burgundy).

  • 18th January 2014. Concert of Oiet ensemble. Fêtes de l’âne, festival des arts. Sens, France.

Photo: Hervé Letourneur

Photo: Juan Mantilla

  • 8th September 2013. Stanjel, Slovenia. Oiet ensemble. Dnevi stare glasbe festival-Musica Cortese festival. Veni dilecta mea/Pridi, moja ljubljena. Mistična in človeška ljubezen v srednjeveški glasbi.

Stanjel, Slovenia.


  • 21thJuly 2013. Moutiers, Burgundy. Duo Elodie Mourot and Paloma Gutiérrez del Arroyo. Les fresques de Moutiers en musique.

  • 20th July 2013. Druyes-les-belles-Fontaines, Burgundy. Duo Elodie Mourot and Paloma Gutiérrez del Arroyo. Histoires de la Bible en musique. Musiques écrites et improvisées des XII et XIIIèmes siècles.

  • 1st June 2013. 31ème festival d´Art Sacré de Champeaux. Duo Catherine Schroeder and Paloma Gutiérrez del Arroyo. Hildegard von Bingen. Fontaine de vie.

Photo: Gérard Gallon







  • 17th April 2013. Église de Notre Dame. Cluny, Burgundy, « Art Sacré - Cluny. Pentecôte 2013. Naissance d´un festival ». Oiet ensemble. « Au renouveler du joli temps »

  • 9th February 2013. Chalon-sur-Saône, Burgundy. Compagnie Théâtre 5, duo with the actor Philippe Borrini. « La Passion de Marie » of Charles Péguy.

  • 3rd February 2013. St Germain l´Auxerrois, Paris. Oiet ensemble. “Au renouveler du joli temps. Musique vocale des XIIe aux XIVe siècles à voix de femmes

  • 27th November 2012. Toulouse, Auditorium Saint-Pierre des Cuisines. Sponsus, a contemporary music oratory composed by Sasha Zamler-Carhart. Festival Déodat de Séverac.

  • 8th and 9 th September 2012. Église de Saint-Martin. Chapaize, Burgundy. Compagnie Théâtre 5, duo with the actor Philippe Borrini. « La Passion de Marie » of Charles Péguy.

  • 26th May 2012. St-André de l´Europe, Paris. Ensemble “Parchemins et par voies”. Program: “Au renouveler du joli temps. Musique vocale des XIIe aux XIVe siècles à voix de femmes“.

  • 12th and 13 th April 2012. Cité Universitaire Internationale de Paris (Maison d´Espagne) and Université Paris-Sorbonne (Grande amphithéâtre du centre Malesherbes). Ensemble Puy de sons d´autrefois in collaboration with other ten singers in the project: “La musique couronnée. Un puy du XIIIe siècle et son concours de trouvères”, based on my research for both masters followed in Paris.

  • 8th April 2012. Notre-Dame de la Salette, Paris. Ensemble “Parchemins et par voies”. Program: “Asoirolg O gloriosa. Motets estranges et musique ornée dans l'Allemagne de la fin du XVe siècle ”.

  • 22nd February 2012. convent of l´Annonciation, Paris. Ensemble “Parchemins et par voies”. Program: “Asoirolg O gloriosa. Motets estranges et musique ornée dans l'Allemagne de la fin du XVe siècle ".

  • 2nd February 2012. Ca´Rezzonico Museum, in Venice. Ensemble Puy de sons d´autrefois. Presentation of the new program “La musica di Guillaume de Machaut nei codici veneti del XIV e XV sec.”.